Sunday, November 27, 2011

Learning Profiles

Last week Mr. Whiting tested our class on what learning profile we were. Basically learning profiles are about how you learn best inside and outside of school. My learning profile was OO and judging by the information I got about OO as a learning profile, I think it fits me very well.

The learning profile OO is a gestalt profile, and the main functions are visual and kinesthetic communication. That is a reason why OO fits me as a learning profile because I work best through movement. I always have to click the pen clicker because I think much more clearly with it.

The profile also says sports like football really help me. I play football all the time so I can really relate to that. I also play sports such as tennis, squash, rugby, and badminton which I find helps to relief stress. Most sports help me with stress and anger.

A thing that really stood out to me in the profile was that it says my biggest challenge is to access pieces of information and be able to put them together in a linear and logical manner. I agree that that is a challenge for me, but I find my biggest challenge is to pay attention and stay on topic in class.

Most of the things on my profile I agree with, but there are a few things I don't, for example I don't find that my biggest challenge is to access information and put it in a logical manner. Overall I think that OO fits me really well for as a profile.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Remember

When Mr. Taylor Mali visited our school he assigned us with homework, it was to think of memories from a long time ago.

I remember when I was two a goat ripped my shoe off of my foot and ran away with it.

I remember when I was four that I lost my favorite football and I stressed out, but finally I found it in my room.

I remember the first time I went swimming, I bit my dad’s arm and ran away, until he caught me in the end.

I remember when I sat on and rode a Great Dane, and I thought it was my personal horse.

I remember when I was being really annoying to my mom she spat on my face.

I remember the first time I played badminton I broke my racket by accident.

I remember when I wanted a fish and my parents gave me a pencil, and since it could float in water I thought it was a fish.

I remember the first time I was on an airplane, I screamed and cried the whole flight.

I remember when I was little I always had to watch the band KISS otherwise I wouldn't eat.

I remember when I was four my cousin was born, I played with him all the time and then on the way home I asked my dad where I can get a baby, and my dad lied and said McDonalds, so I begged if I could go there the rest of the day.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Name

Jesper is a name that my parents gave me after the famous Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik.

I really like my name because it’s not too complicated and it is also easy to pronounce. Although I find my name interesting, there is one thing I really hate about it: People call me Jasper because that’s not the way my name is pronounced, and in my opinion “Jasper” just sounds weird.

Although I hate that, I still really like my name because not a lot of people are called Jesper, spelt with an “e”. Also, I find it cool to have the same first name as the best ever Swedish golfer. If I ever had the chance to change my name, I don’t think I would, because my name is really special to me.

I hope that in the future everyone will call me Jesper, but other than that? I love my name.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Biopoem

Jesper Elof Henry,

Funny, sporty, friendly, and outgoing,

The son of Peter and Jo Anne,

Loves Football and Rugby,

Experienced happiness, anger, and sadness,

Experienced seeing a huge disgusting spider attacking a cow,

Who won Best Sportsmanship awards in football, basketball, and softball,

Who wants to experience going to Dubai, and would like to see Sweden win the Euro cup in 2012,

Who lives on the 37th floor in a condo In Kuala lumpur


Me in 3

Pepsi- My cat

I went to the SPCA shelter to adopt a kitten, and I looked around but there wasn’t any cat I really liked. After about 10 minutes looking around, I saw a litter of kittens just getting handed in by two people. I put my finger in the cage and all the kittens hissed at me except for one kitten that went up to my finger and played with it, so I knew I had to have her. I named her “Pepsi” because my favorite drink is Pepsi. She represents me because she’s my pet and I really like her.

I got my plasma T.V when I was 6 years old and I still have it. At the time, my best friend had just gotten a plasma T.V and I got really jealous. My parents noticed that and after two or three months during my birthday I came home from my party, and all of a sudden I found a huge plasma T.V hanging on the wall in my room. The rest of that week I was staring at it and hardly ever got out of my room. My plasma T.V represents me because I love to watch Movies and T.V shows.

My green bouncy ball

My green bouncy ball is about 45 years old, because my grandma bought it for my dad before he was born and my dad had it for ten years until my dad’s brother was born. He had it for about ten years, and then my dad’s youngest brother was born and it was passed down to him. After that my cousin who is eight months older than got it, and I was born. We lost it when we were playing one day, and it wasn’t for three years until my cousin’s dog found it under a bunch of flowers in my grandparents backyard. After two or three months, my other cousin was born, and then we agreed that we would cut into the three pieces. I played with it for a long time after that and about five months ago my third cousin was born so we made it into four pieces. Now all of us have a piece of it. My bouncy ball means a lot to me because there is a lot of history to it and I’ve had a lot of fun with it. My ball also represents me because it’s my favorite color and I like things that bounce.

If I didn’t have these three things I probably would not be like I am today. All of these three things mean the most in the world to me and I hope I will never loose them.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Grade 6 Reflection

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.

My piece of work that I am the most proud of is a quiz, on anicent mesopotamian empires. We were quizzed on the four main empires in anicent mesopotamian, Assyrian, Akkadian, Neo Babylonian, and Babylonian.

What were your greatest challenges? Explain.

My greatest challenges were when we were doing literature circles. Especially when we had to choose our questions and we had to make our own response. Although I have improved in literature circles, occasionally I still get stuck on choosing the question sometimes.

Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?

I learned that I am a kinestethic learner, which means I work best when the teacher explains what to do to me and I don't have to read in a book or sheet to learn and know what to do.

My behavior at the moment is most probably satisfactory because sometimes I fool around but mostly I don't. My participation in class is also probably satisfactory because sometimes I'm to lazy to participate 100% in class activities. My organization used to need a lot of help but now I have started to become quite organized, it is fine for sure. My effort level is up and down but overall I usually give around 100%.

A goal for me in 7th grade is to improve in literature circles. Another goal for me is to get a consistent grade in classes and not to experience such big grade falls.

I have nothing else to say to my seventh grade teachers, but something I have to say to the class of 2018 is don't rush or skip steps, in the end you will be missing something and eventually you will end up just where you started.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My letter to The Giver

Lately, you have helped me both socially and mentally. You influenced me to take chances, but most importantly you helped me truly discover what is beyond this community. It is because of you I decided to escape from the community and explore the outside. Also you have taught me a lot about being the receiver of memories, and you were there when I really struggled and needed help, like when I had got that frightening memory, I just felt like quitting and going back to my childhood and a t that moment you were there for me and reminded me that there was lots of good memories too. Although you did all of these great things for me, the thing I will be forever thankful for is that you had hope in me and without you I would have never have the guts to leave the community, but as I have realized leaving the community is the best decision I had ever made because I discovered real color, pain, and also emotions.

That is why it was so hard for me to write this letter to you. I wish you the best, and tell Rosemary I said hello. I will truly miss you Giver.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Freedom and Choice

I think that it relates to freedom and choice because Jonas decided not to take his pill which is disobeying the community's orders. I think it is because of Gabriel (the new born) why Jonas did not take his pill because he felt some sort of freedom inside of Gabriel. They also had the same eyes which made him feel like there is a sense of freedom in him.

Freedom is when you get to make your own decisions and choices. In this case, in Jonas's community the elders make the decisions but he did not take pills and that relates to the themes of freedom, because he made a choice based on how he felt about it. In my opinion that is how that quote relates to the themes of freedom and choice.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blogpost Comments (Blog Post #3)

I commented on Khairi's two fascinating blog posts.

The First Blog Post

Your blog post really helped me understand the book in different ways because I did the same question as you but your answer is really different to mine. You helped me understand a lot from your example of the slaves because that is very similar to how Jonas or anyone in his community can just as easily be slaves as opposed to being the receiver of memories. This post is very interesting and makes me think of things from a different point of view.

The Second Blog Post

This blog post helped me understand the novel better by giving a very interesting answer to why you think the giver said that people would be afraid to make their own decisions. I especially enjoyed your connection between playing a game you have not played before and making decisions on your own. What you said was very true, and one of the things I learned from it was that they are scared that they will make a mistake which they will regret, but as we know it mistakes are just a part of life.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Giver Blogpost 2

When Jonas learns all about colors, he claims "it isn't fair that nothing has color". Why does he say this?

Jonas probably says that for a lot of reasons but I think that the three main reasons to why he said that in my opinion is that he thinks somethings actually deserve emotions, there is no difference between things because they all contain the same colors, and my final reason is that no one can have sympathy, hatred, or anything towards anyone at all.

I think that Jonas thought that some nice people deserve to have emotions because they have done so much for some people or made a big change, or maybe changed his life and they can't get feelings in return, so they cannot feel of any emotions about anybody or anything. Also if there are'nt any emotions in life there is no way you can ever be happy.

My second reason is that there is not any difference at all between things because they are all the same color and you cannot notice any difference. For example, flowers are supposed to be colorful but in Jonas's Community they are all black and white. Also all animals, walls, and paintings don't have any big difference because they don't have any particular color so you cannot look at them and say you feel any emotions or feelings.

My Final reason to why Jonas said that is no one in his own community who he knew of had ever felt sympathy, passion, hatred, happiness etc. I also find that it is not fair that in Jonas's community they cant live life freely and their community cannot be counted a "Utopia" in my opinion if no one can personally say that they enjoy or have fun in this community. Those are the three reasons that I find the most important to why Jonas
claims "it isn't fair that nothing has color".

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The giver

1. Would you want your future to be decided by others? Why or Why not?

I would never want my future to be decided by others for a lot of reasons. I don't think it would be fair to have your whole future decided by one person because they could choose if it would be really good or really bad. Jonas does not know any different than having his future decided but he knows why he likes his job and why he does not like his job. If my life would have been all set out and decided for me I would be really concerned because if it was bad, you would live the rest of your life knowing what bad things were going to happen.

If my future was chosen by others I would be sad because I would not have any choices of my own. Also life would not be an adventure because it would just be a cycle decided by some random person. If there was a no decision based on my action life would just be an order that would go on for ninety years. Those are the reasons why I would not like my future to be decided by others.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ancient Egyptian Pharohs

Why do you think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments?

I think one of the reasons why they created monuments is to worship their ancestors and gods. Another reason is that they made the monuments to show and prove that they were truly amazing. It also shows their cultures as in which gods the pharaohs believed in. I think they also created monuments so that when they die they will still be remembered.

What monuments in our society are similar?

A lot of monuments are similar such as the twin towers which was created a few years ago and it was created to make Malaysia more popular and boost their economy, and it was the tallest building in the world for a short period of time. There are a lot of other examples and the Twin Towers is just one of them.

What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?

I learned that the pharaohs are all very unique in their own way and that none of them were normal. I also learned that Hatshepsut was the first female Pharaoh. The final thing is that I learned at least one thing about, Ramses II, Cleopetra, King Tut, and Khufu because of the other groups.

What is your analysis of your performance?

My analysis for my performance is that I could have gotten a bit more information and I could have fooled around a little less and instead focus on my work harder. I think we did well on the imovie although we could have prepared ourselves better. Overall my analysis is that I did an exceptional job even thought I could have improved my work more.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

City Connections Reflection

What you believe you did well on the project?

I think I did well on my organization on the project for the following reasons. I put my work in bullet points and I did not put any unrelated information on my power point. It was not hard to read it and my graphics were relevant with the information. My final reason is that my slides were in a sufficient order and not in a random one.

What you would improve for future presentations/projects?

I will be more prepared with presenting my projects and I will rehearse what I am going to say a few times before the actual presentation. I will also read the grading rubric more carefully because for instance this project I forgot to add a few things that we would be graded on. My final reason is that in the future I will try to add some extra facts because this time my lacked a bit of important information.

What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?

I learned a lot of fascinating things about my home town that I never had a clue of before. I learned to be a lot more organized with my work and spread it out instead of doing it all in the last minute. The final and most important thing that I taught myself was that presentations can actually be fun and not always boring.

What is your analysis of your performance?

My analysis for this presentation is I overall did an okay job because I could have improved it a lot. I had rough start with my presentation because I was not sure how to arrange when I was going to do this and that but in the end I got my act together and I tried my best. In the end I think it payed off.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year, New Blogpost, New Start

2010 has been phenomenal and now we are in 2011, a brand new year. I have new resolutions which I hope will change me and my lifestyle. Two of my resolutions which I want to complete the most are to speak Spanish fluently, and to get a lot more organized, so I will see an improvement in my lifestyle and my work. In the next paragraphs I will explain how and why I'm going to complete these resolutions.

I would like to learn to speak Spanish because I think it is a very interesting and fascinating language. I would also like to learn Spanish because they have a very amazing culture. I would like to learn more about it and I would like to learn to speak the language. Learning Spanish will come in handy because these days I have noticed that a lot of people can speak it. I would like to be able to communicate with different people in various languages. Those are the main reasons why I would like to learn Spanish, and that is why this is one of my new year resolutions.

My second resolution is to become more organized. To become organized will help me in over a thousand things. Here are the three reasons which I find the most important. Being more organized can help me improve my school work which will help me reach higher standards. Becoming more organized can also help me improve my lifestyle in a huge variety of ways from having lower stress levels to making it easier to finish my work so I do not leave it to the last minute. The thing that will affect me the most if I become more organized is that my work will have a certain quality which I can't say,"I could have done a lot better" and instead I can say,"I'm proud of my work and this is truly the best quality work I am capable of doing". That is mostly why I would like to become more organized.

Part Two

Each Christmas I go to a small town in southern Sweden and this Christmas was not different. This year I had the best Christmas I have ever experienced because I got to go skiing for the first time, and there was tons of snow, but one of the absolute best moments was that I got to see my favorite hockey team play live. Even though I got to do all those great things my favorite part of this Christmas was the presents, mostly because I got almost all the things I wanted for Christmas. I hope that all of my Christmases will be as good as this one.