Saturday, January 29, 2011

City Connections Reflection

What you believe you did well on the project?

I think I did well on my organization on the project for the following reasons. I put my work in bullet points and I did not put any unrelated information on my power point. It was not hard to read it and my graphics were relevant with the information. My final reason is that my slides were in a sufficient order and not in a random one.

What you would improve for future presentations/projects?

I will be more prepared with presenting my projects and I will rehearse what I am going to say a few times before the actual presentation. I will also read the grading rubric more carefully because for instance this project I forgot to add a few things that we would be graded on. My final reason is that in the future I will try to add some extra facts because this time my lacked a bit of important information.

What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?

I learned a lot of fascinating things about my home town that I never had a clue of before. I learned to be a lot more organized with my work and spread it out instead of doing it all in the last minute. The final and most important thing that I taught myself was that presentations can actually be fun and not always boring.

What is your analysis of your performance?

My analysis for this presentation is I overall did an okay job because I could have improved it a lot. I had rough start with my presentation because I was not sure how to arrange when I was going to do this and that but in the end I got my act together and I tried my best. In the end I think it payed off.

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