Monday, April 11, 2011

My letter to The Giver

Lately, you have helped me both socially and mentally. You influenced me to take chances, but most importantly you helped me truly discover what is beyond this community. It is because of you I decided to escape from the community and explore the outside. Also you have taught me a lot about being the receiver of memories, and you were there when I really struggled and needed help, like when I had got that frightening memory, I just felt like quitting and going back to my childhood and a t that moment you were there for me and reminded me that there was lots of good memories too. Although you did all of these great things for me, the thing I will be forever thankful for is that you had hope in me and without you I would have never have the guts to leave the community, but as I have realized leaving the community is the best decision I had ever made because I discovered real color, pain, and also emotions.

That is why it was so hard for me to write this letter to you. I wish you the best, and tell Rosemary I said hello. I will truly miss you Giver.


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