Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Time I saw Bullying and I Got Involved

Recently the whole 6th grade has had a talk about bullying.  We got to see a movie about kids bullying other children in a public American school.  I thought that in my old school that swearing and being racist was the line until I saw this video.  In the video they were pushing, kicking, calling mean names, punching, laughing at people that were different than them, and a lot more things.  There ways of bullying  made their victims wounded, hurt, and embarrassed to the point that they don't want to go to school any longer.

When I was in 5th grade I witnessed my best friend get bullied in P.E class.  He has dark brown skin and the bully kept on calling him racist nicknames.  He would call him names everywhere and he kept up with it and I always told him,"Should I stop him?  Should I stop him?" and he kept on declining.  My anger level kept on raising, raising, and raising every time the bully made fun of him.

At P.E class, my teacher said,"Welcome to the first day of gym this year", and we were all very happy. On that day we were supposed to jog for 6 minutes then practice basketball lay ups and then we would have a match so we were all very excited.

When my friend was running laps he ran to the black wall and the bully said,"Where did he go?  Did he become invisible?"  We both thought this is his last chance.  The whole class was okay until the last ten minutes while we were playing the basketball match.  We were winning 20-0 and the bully was very jealous.  He started showing faces and swearing at my friend.  Then suddenly he ran to to my friend and started down staring him and pushing him around.  I looked to the corner and I thought that this was seriously the last time.  I ran to the corner of the field and I said, "Don't hurt him!"  The bully said, "Back off or I'll punch you!"  I said punch me which I didn't really think threw and then I started regretting.  He raised up his arm and his fist...

At that exact moment my teacher took his fist and said your coming with me and I praised to god. I don't know what she said but it really worked and since that day he has not bullied anyone. That is my story of a time I witnessed bulling and I got involved. 

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