Monday, October 29, 2012

A Boy Who Changed His Nation

Living in life threatening conditions, over a billion children are dying of hunger in the world today. In the Philippines over 1.5 million children are living in dumpsites, constantly struggling to survive. For children who live in junkyards in the Philippines letting mosquitos feast on your open cuts and puss is completely normal. Kesz Valdez is one such child who has experienced it all, having fled from his abusive father and having to live in a junkyard from the age of four. Since Kesz was rescued from a life on the streets, he has been giving back to other street children by teaching them about basic hygiene and giving them hope for a different life.

Instead of fleeing his past situations, Kesz has gone back to face his fears by helping others who live in junkyards, educating them about basic sanitation and hygiene.Most kids if put in Kesz’s shoes would choose not to look back and help others but live their own life and forget about their past. Today Kesz teaches, “the children to wash hands properly, brush teeth daily and bathe regularly. And I believe that some of these children will pay the act forward.” He lectures them about how to stay hygienic which is even more important for those children because they live impoverished conditions. The kids have to live in dirty conditions where bacteria breeds. If the kids don’t look after themselves they can catch diseases which can lead to severe illnesses or even death. He also hopes the kids will learn from him and share their knowledge with others and future generations. This would lead to less death and illness amongst the junkyard children. “My message to all children here and around the globe is; our health is our wealth.” -Kesz. No matter how disgusting or dangerous conditions some dumpsites in the Philippines are, if the street children need help, Kesz will be there. By teaching the kids about basic sanitation he wants them to survive and live a better life. In this case Kesz means their wealth is their well-being. By going back to face his fears, Kesz shows courage because he wants to improve the life of the  children of future generations.

Kesz gives street children a new hope, showing them that there are people out there who care about them and are trying to make a difference.  Most street children that live in junkyards and have no hope of a better life. The think that how they live now isn’t ever going to change. Spreading hope to street children is something Kesz has been doing for over five years. Astonishingly for Kesz’s seventh birthday instead of recieving presents he went out to junkyards and gave street children presents which gave them a sense of hope.  Traveling around the Philippines giving joy, basic education and hope is what Kesz Valdez has dedicated his life to doing. He helps street children acknowledge that there are people that care about them, and that there is still a lost hope for them out there. "The day I suffered the burns on my body was like my baptism of fire. It was so painful that night at the dumpsite, the hospital and the days that followed. I cried out of pain. On the other hand, that was also the day I was rescued." (Link) When Kesz was in his time of need an upstander rose to the occasion, Harnin Manalaysay who has been someone whom Kesz has looked up to as a father figure, and that was a big turning point in Kesz’s life. He wants the street children to never give up and to know that good things are to come no matter what.

Kesz is a boy who has had a first hand experience of living in junkyards. Knowing the dangers and health hazards that are lurking around; this has motivated him to help children who live like he used to. By educating street children about basic sanitation and hygiene, he has helped them to live a more sustainable and healthy life. His teachings will also affect future generations of children, helping them to live a more balanced and healthy life. Kesz is a boy of integrity, the way he opens his heart and spreads hope and education to everyone is truly inspiring, hopefully in the future more people will partake in his acts.