Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Learning Profiles (NN)

This week Mr. Whiting came to our class to tell us about learning profiles. It was very interesting to learn about them for example your left side is called the logic side as the right side is called gasalt. We got to see what learning profile we suited us and I tested NN. In the next paragraphs I'm going to write about when I learn best, what I need to do,  the strategies that would  help me, and what I would like my teachers to know about me.

I learn best when....

No one is making weird sounds with their fingers, laughing weirdly without reasoning, fiddle with different things, and especially when no one is making drum riffs with their desks while I'm doing serious work or taking a test. I also learn best through movement and by focusing on the whole picture, and when I sit with my left ear  facing the teacher. I learn best  when teachers use metaphors and examples. Those are for the most part when I learn best.

I need to....

 Work on hearing and communicating in a more direct way.  I need to start following step- by- step- instructions. I most importantly need to enter the pieces of information, and to be able to put them together in a undeviating logical order and communicate them.  I eventually have to become much more organized with things and do things a whole lot more carefully. Those are mainly the things I need to work on.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is....

Becoming more organized and doing  my work in a smart and more orderly fashion. Another strategy is to put work in front of free time. A very smart plan  is to check Moodle daily and make sure what I'm going to do each and every day. Something that would help me personally is not to get distracted easily and just to continue my work. Those are basically the strategies that would help me in my learning the most.

I would like my teachers to know this about me....

I try to learn but I get distracted way to easily by things. I focus better when I doodle or play around with things. Another thing is that I work much better after I have done a sport or ran a lot. The two things that I would like my teachers to know about me primarily is that I really prefer not to sit next to my friends during class and secondly, for some reason when I'm in a green room or if I look at something green under stress I become more calm. Those are the things I would really like my teachers to know about me.